Krishna the Personification of Absolute Consciousness

I am walking, breathing in the tangible, universal and physical presence of the Lord. It is a full-on sensory experience of the layers of Absolute sound and sight.  Somehow the various aspects of His physiology, attributes and even attire and personal artifact are all Absolutes. His very physical existence in all its multi-layered splendor is also the universal Absolute. I now see and know what being physically absolute can be.

Suddenly rising as my Self-awareness I saw the Absolute personified as Krishna. Krishna did not rise out of the Absolute He was the Absolute. Clearly, a wave of the ocean cannot jump out of the ocean any more than any experience can separate from its all-inclusive universal source.. The very space of my home, my consciousness and the space around me to cosmic reaches became full and luminous as the vision and physiology of the supreme lord. This was a knowledge and vision that was beyond any doubt completely the universal Absolute and the totality of creation in its complete fullness of expression. The only reason I could have this experience was because somehow I was also its totality

What is surprising to me is that Krishna’s whole Being and body is the tangible physiology of the Absolute. I am living and moving within the delightful physiology of my own consciousness as the wholeness of God as the layered elements of nature where my inner and outer awareness is rich in His presence. The cosmic stillness and expressions of Self -wakefulness are Krishna, my senses are Krishna. I am the knowledge, bliss and material creation as eternal Krishna. Knowledge and joy have no bounds, sight sees no bounds in the presence of the infinite Supreme Lord.

The sense and knowingness of my usual unified-awareness expanded into a fullness and totality that was way beyond the abstract absolute and relative together. The smallest to largest joy in my heart is Krishna’s presence. All the physical Absolute values of Hari place activity solidly in the Absolute. The layers and aspects of Krishna’s Absoluteness make my connectedness within the same layers in my heart, mind and body more tangible, wonderfully real to understand and perceive.

He has no limit to physical size and is unboundedly embodied and wonderfully, exquisitely multi-hued. I hear His silent voice booming as creation. He is the full joy and structure of existence.

The whole Devata heavens and personifications around my body, while still gloriously obvious, have turned into a divine sight of Krishna. My consciousness, my Self awareness is in relation to Krishna’s awareness. Pure consciousness is pure Krishna.  Somehow Self-awareness is a transparent fully detailed, shimmering light in the divine form and forms of Krishna. The uncountable Devas are circumambulating with me around towering Krishna. There are just no words to describe this experience. My inside experience of Krishna and my outside experience of Krishna have become one experience. My sense of Self is the divinity of Krishna. He looks like a supreme, divine, person, but a person never the less He is therefore more than easy to relate to, easy to love and appreciate easy to see as totality, certainly easier than having the same feeling for the experience of the abstract, unbounded Absolute.

When I put my attention on Self –awareness I see Krishna as the unification of my body and senses in my awareness. There is nothing else. Krishna moves in and around me like the quietest to loudest thunder, consuming and expressing creation to keep it whole. His speech is the totality of creation, it is the whole of reverberating Ved. Partial vision alone makes it seem that creation is expanding and shrinking, while in reality everything is fully expressed eternally. I am beyond unity, beyond everything and yet I am everything in Krishna. He makes everything possible, He is the everythingness of totality.

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