Unified Awareness in Daily Life

As clear as unbounded wakefulness is, the structured, luminous knowledge component that pervades throughout, is even more obvious. In fact, my experience of wakefulness is all pure reverberating intelligence. Of course, since it is fundamental intelligence, it is sequentially blissful and purposeful. It is very interesting and rewarding for me to experience this complete unity, where knowledge no longer underlies experience but is known and perceived to be the liveliness and totality of each layer and each component of each layer.

Wherever my experience is located, at any moment, there it is known as an umbrella of unified knowingness. Seen through the eyes of absolute sight, daily life is no less absolute, no less divine, and yet it still remains daily life. It is now seen as pristine, unbounded, reverberating knowledge, as celestial beauty, and as the see-through clarity of one vast togetherness of experience. No one layer, or combination of layers, however unbounded, divine or mundane, in any way obscures or diminishes the reality of the whole or the integrity of physical life. In fact, the clarity of any even one layer, serves to enhance and brighten all the other layers into a unified totality.

It is fascinating to note that the only thing missing from unified awareness is the lack of knowingness. Any ‘lack’ in relation to unity, has no inherent reality therefore it is not surprising that its absence took a while to recognize. And furthermore, after the advent of a unified awareness the very details of daily living, which are usually the means of hiding pure awareness, all get assimilated into the unbounded structure and knowledge of unity consciousness. Fortunately for me, and everyone else, pure understanding, the very nature of divine experience, requires no effort in its unfolding.

When I compare my narrower experience from the past in relation to my more expanded present awareness, the difference is both very apparent and very simple. For me, nothing really seemed to change but only because pure consciousness was suddenly known to have always been available and present all along. Any perceived difference is not observable because ultimately the underlying clarity and naturalness is, for some unfathomable reason, the only experience apparently missing in the past. Thus for a long time, universal divinity was easy to ignore; after all, what is there to notice in the simplest of experience that is as natural as breathing. Truly knowing, hearing, and seeing what is actually being experienced is, in and of itself, the full integration of universal experience. It is the basic and extended value of understanding that has sewn all my experience together. Now I am knowing and looking at every layer and every detail of experience all at the same time.
In the past, numerous grand and divine experiences just came and went; it took a kind of grand unification of simple knowledge, which, without any conscious effort on my part, unfolded to make unity a daily and nightly on-going event.
I would like to emphasize that every permanent realization or knowledge state, whether cosmic or celestial, that I have ever experienced, always felt simpler and more normal than the state that preceded it. The whole awakening process was always more like I just spontaneously forgot to be partial or unknowing. An infinitely satisfying state does not mean infinitely distracting.

For bliss to become blissful, for knowingness to become tangible, for perception to become divine, for daily life to become holistically unified, all that had to happen was to see, know and accept them altogether as one connected field of my own universal story of consciousness. This simple knowledge alone, that is already inherent in everyone’s makeup, became recognized and assimilated into the structure and movement of pure consciousness and bliss.
Whatever thoughts I am having, whatever activity I am engaged in, whatever sense is functioning: these are clearly perceived, altogether and independently, as the knowledge sequence of Ved where absolute knowledge, the celestial realms, and finally, my daily life, have become one unified flow of unbounded, shimmering clarity.