Month: September 2016

The Range of the Senses


I experience my mind and body as layers of organized conscious light in a sea of luminous stillness—from a transparent to a golden hued unboundedness of shimmering, roaring sound, the very structure of knowingness, the very structure of a heart-brimming existence. My senses are full of expanding knowledge and the specific shining flavors of that awareness which are the reverberating streams of energy connected to specific centrally concentrated areas of my nervous system. My senses flowing as pure light energy are the shape of my body and are the corresponding, tangible means by which consciousness moves within a ocean of unbounded self-awareness, connecting my physical organization and the celestial environment into one vast package of the purest, pulsing sight. I live daily in a clear see-through divinity of Absolute, divine and regular activity.

There is a vast radiant sun of blazing light that is the structure and makeup of my heart that streams out and in simultaneously connecting the parallel activity of the physical sun, planets and constellations to my heart, to my central nervous system and to my senses. At the center of this enormous radiance is an indescribable concentrated sphere of pure light that is like a cosmic to tiny personal doorway of connectedness to my physical and regular activity.

My eyes are luminous with the divinity of pure joy; joy in a sight that is the Absolute sound of all sounds, the Absolute form of all forms. I can see the structured space of my body extending around me to infinity. The brilliant, vibrating points of consciousness that are the content of my physiology uniformly extend out to the same configurations of heavenly and universal existence. A very profound stillness is so unboundedly full that the distance between emptiness and fullness—between my body and the Absolute, between heaven and earth, God and the Gods—has all but disappeared. Yet here I am living both as a package of humming bliss, the strumming reverberations of pure-awareness.

How can I describe the wonder-full experience of a celestial perception that is dominated and inundated by the structure and knowledge of the unbounded togetherness of this cosmic family. This innate, Absolute, divine, all-inclusive attribute of my, of everyone’s mind, body, and senses, perceives and serves to tangibly unite all the continuous layers of experience from pure heavenly silence to daily activity.

I experience total, unmoving silence, constantly; this silence has a transparent, self-luminous, self- knowing unbounded depth to surface quality, that spirals throughout all the levels of my experience. Unbounded awareness sparks as knowledge and bubbles as togetherness throughout all the movement of my attention.

The most delicate sound, the most sublime sight, the softest touch, the subtlest fragrance, and the most enchanting taste, I see as knowledge-laden, with soma-spilling from their divine activity, connecting even the movements of my daily life. This continuity, this connectedness, this ever-present nature of the subtlest to the most expressed, of silent consciousness to my physiology and to ordinary activity is the true wonder of all descriptions and experiences of everyone’s individual consciousness.

My whole experience could be explained as a universally manifesting wonderful eternal infinity, tethered to the tiniest point of my silent, heaven-spanning heart. In the detailed wholeness of this simultaneity, I can see an ocean of pure stillness cascading within its own nature. This cosmic sight and sound is the seed knowledge of my heart, mind and physiology, unboundedly pulsing as Absolute, celestial and earthly creation: a divine wind of self-awareness that as if shakes the Absolute into a continuous cosmic and personal physiology— the very totality of ancient, beginning-less, endless human self awareness.

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