The Landscapes of Enlightenment – Introduction

None of the experiences in my life came equipped with a calendar. In any case, writing in chronological order seems beyond me, so I pay more attention to what is clearly available to my heart and mind. At all ages I was fascinated by my inner experiences and over time, I gradually became aware of their continuity and their close relation to my daily activity.

I have written this book to be meaningful to those who are new to the subject as well as those who are more familiar with these kinds of experiences.

So I have included many simple stories as examples of how regular life is intimately related to so-called inner experiences, and how thoughts, and even the body and senses, not to mention the glorious experiences of the divine, are integral parts of the experience of Awakened-Consciousness.

I’ve also included some analogies because I find that they usually provide a direct path to understanding that is often unavailable through longer explanations.

You will also find twenty-four personal, in-depth accounts of my own Self experience. These are labeled so that they can be found easily or even skipped over if desired. The essence of the knowledge that is in these experiences is presented in simpler form in the sections in-between.

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