Exerpt From Up-Coming Book

The Exquisitely Ordinary Nature of Unbounded Consciousness

Imagine yourself walking outside on the clearest most beautiful day, the sun is shining, a cool breeze makes the air perfect. Enthralled with the sounds of nature all around, you feel just great. Your mind is quiet; your body feels light. What could possibly make the moment greater? What experience could make this experience even fuller?

Imagine that along with this wonderful normal day experience, where all the different components of the experience, the air, the sounds, the people, everything seems to almost be one perfect awareness, you were also able to clearly see and know the underlying divinity, the over-arching understanding and connectedness of divine existence itself. This knowledge alone, that human consciousness is eternal, sublime and one interconnected whole, would be an amazing addition to daily life. However perfect a day is, one knows that it will inevitably end.

If you were able to see and feel, on the subtlest level, what actually makes the mind feel full, the body feel almost weightless and the heart feel safe, then even a great day experience would be far richer, even more fulfilling. To say nothing of what would be the experience if the day was not so grand.

A person whose consciousness has fully expanded the objects of perception, experiences that this does not in any way diminish normal perceptions. But rather the very mechanics and details of seeing gets greatly enriched by the eternal awareness that everything is a simultaneous wholeness. Our consciousness naturally pervades a vast, extraordinary field of space that includes, absolutely everything in material, divine and Absolute existence. What a unified treasure of unbounded value and brilliant appreciation!

If we could only see that even the story of our lives, through which we daily move, is thick with the fullness of our own divinity that constantly contributes to and upholds our very breath. Then our walk would include a permanent cosmic vision of our own intimate unified consciousness. Every fiber in our bodies, every atom, every molecule, every organic structure, every feeling, every thought is a mirror image of infinite connectedness seen as the universal values from which they arose.

And this universal joy of knowingness, which is at first abstract and over time becomes more and more tangibly detailed, is always an addition to our regular lives; which of course continues to unfold as before, in its own right.

Almost paradoxically, the more layers, the more complexity, the more points, that are experienced in terms of the Self, the more simplicity of oneness is discovered. The more complex, detailed and subtle the machinery of experience is, the more it reveals its own simple nature of Pure Unbounded Consciousness.

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