The Senses Awaken at their Source (Continued)

…This clarity of oneness as the activity of my senses creates a personal intimacy within my consciousness so concretely that experiences are spontaneously rendered physically all-pervasive.

In this experience where I am supremely still, unmovingly silent, totally unshakeable, any flow or stir of any of my senses is sublimely obvious. I hear with the total range of hearing a structured humming that encompasses and reveals existence itself as my own vibrating universal ground state of knowledge. I see with the total range of seeing, from a surface seeing to divine seeing, to a knowledge infused seeing that sees nothing but universal, self-luminous forms glimmering with connectedness.

I experience that my senses are both evenly and uniquely spread throughout universal existence and are in no way separate or outside the experience of wholeness—for instance my sense of touch on its quietest level, is an exquisite, soft, textural sense of unmoving motion that contains the whole expressed forms of that touch in universal self-referral. My sense of smell, I can locate as the quietest, almost transparent nectar-like sweet, golden luminous curving waves, unboundedly present everywhere.
All this personal to universal continuous inter-connected sensory experience creates the intimate knowledge that I am not just a physical being but that even the physiology can be experienced on a cosmic scale. I am experiencing that my consciousness is moving within itself, and that my body is also having its life and activity within a cosmic physical reality, that is precisely attuned to my consciousness.

Even though I experience everything as the movements of consciousness, as the activity of my own knowledge, without the actual awareness of the physical presence and functioning of all my senses—each spanning the range of creation from the Absolute to material creation, from the relative to the divine—I could not possibly know and see Unbounded Consciousness personally the knower. It is the movement of the Absolute within my whole Self, within my heart mind, body and through the senses that has established a continuum of wakefulness.

And yet it’s very interesting to note that on one level, these experiences do not sound, look, or taste, any different than my or anyone’s normal awareness in meditation or in daily activities. It’s a steady, established, over-arching remembrance that constantly locates pure knowledge and its unified expressions as the core reality of my awareness.

It’s not only the unshakable pure awareness, but also the unshakeable understanding within the functioning of the unshakable heart, the unshakable mind, body and senses that creates the clarity and certainty that dwells as my fullness of consciousness.

I don’t understand or see my senses as independent outside processes, but rather they are streams of specific fundamental information structures that stir and connect the outside with the inside, they have free play as the avenues through which wholeness appreciates celestial life and celestial life appreciates daily life.

I am aware of a knowledge based transparency of consciousness that gives flight to hearing, flight to sight, that gives actual ears and eyes to knowledge, that allows consciousness to see and hear the subtle activity of my own, unbounded, sparkling divinity permeated oneness.

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