The Absolute Surface

For many years I have described my experience more from the side of Absolute stillness— from the inside out—always a little more silent than active: from unbounded awareness, as one continuous sweep through reverberating intelligence, as the flow of the Absolute, to the transformation of consciousness into physical reality, through the instrumentality of the elements of nature, churning a vast ocean of Pure-Consciousness to its material fulfillment.

In the last year or so I have started to notice that I am perceiving the surface value, or daily life, as equal to, and as whole as, the flow of Absolute silence. My experience is the same dimensionless stillness, but it is also much greater because now Absolute Self-Awareness has consciously located a fully occupied divine environment in which my heart, mind, body and senses function.

Rather than being abstract knowledge alone, my experience has become a very physical and object-oriented Absolute consciousness. Unbounded consciousness and relative life both, seem like such see-through affairs to me that the slight separation between them is maintained by the discriminating, yet unifying, structure of the whole range of pure-to-expressed knowledge.

You could say that I am swimming around in daily life, experiencing the surface of a vast ocean of awareness, where I can see clearly all the way to the bottom, thus making it one integrated, perfectly layered connectedness. This kind of heart-oriented, physical knowing and seeing, makes universal space my entire place of residence. A body always enjoys, and appreciates a home, and when that home is populated by the supreme, personifications of the laws of nature, there in lies an added, heavenly, fullness to my activity and experience.

When the sight and communication with the Divine levels became continuous, and was seen to be occupying the same physical space as my body and surroundings, the same field of pure consciousness, and all aspects of my regular life, then my experience began to display a sublime clarity of celestial, omnipresent detail. Pure intelligence resides as the spilling bliss in the heaven of this wonderful on-going relationship with my celestial family.

I am experiencing a reality and knowledge that clearly lives on all these levels at the same time. I see my whole self as Absolute shimmering silence, yet it is the walk and breath of this silence that is the joy of the knowledge and perception of the organizational structure of my awareness and physiology in relation to my Universal Self.

To put it in more practical terms: my mind is wrapped in pure knowledge, my heart is an openly cascading heaven, where I live surrounded by innumerable Beings of divine light. My heart, mind, and physical-to-universal body is the multi-faceted, infinite narrative of it all.

I can see, and hear, a fathomless, roaring ocean, without beginning or end, that pulses in eternal cycles of creation’s expansion, progress and contraction. It is all within a blazing, life-centered brilliance of consuming and regenerating fire; so all-inclusive and vast that my words are simply way too small.

My daily activity—outside to inside, inside to outside—has simply emerged as the greatest, brightest, wonder and splendor of it all. The reverberation of my so-called surface consciousness and activity is actually the most unboundedly Absolute, the most heavenly sublime, the most knowledge-filled, and the most cosmically inclusive wonder of my, and everyone’s, normal existence.

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