The Inner light and sound of universal togetherness is spiraling as every sight and movement of my senses. Daily life has become known as the surface layer of one continuous sight of the celestial heavens and absolute intuitive values, where even physical activities are as bright as the noonday sun. Wherever I look I behold an eternal stillness that constantly professes its exuberant existence as my unbounded consciousness. Whereas pure-consciousness has no appreciable size— it is brilliantly limitless— everything else, however, be it layers of understanding, celestial activity or anything else has some tiny to vast perceivable dimension.

Knowingness is one great continuum of basic sound with a divine structure that blazes as universal existence on its broadest scale and as the point of my body on its smallest scale. And here I stand eternally looking—looking as divine hearing and divine sight, seeing every layer of my consciousness as the sublime motions and stillness of my self-awareness, in precise relation to cosmic existence.

I recognize my immediate surrounding environment and people as specific points and waves stirring the structures of my awareness. Sort of like pebbles that create concentric rings when dropped on water. I watch these waves of structure replicate in perfect synchrony all the way to my physical environment. At the same time I perceive the principles of nature with their host of celestial personifications as another influence within my surrounding awareness. And finally I recognize a field of Absolute stillness full of the knowledge points and source material of creation. These layers and points are all one organic and heavenly transparent totality. By transparent I do not mean faint or vague but rather that the subtlety of consciousness is able to be tangibly known as all-pervasive in the entire range of my awareness.