It Is Not Just The Mind That Expands

The field of light and consciousness that I normally experience as a layered continuum around and as my body, is very organized and specific. In other words, it has a recognizable primary shape and structure that spontaneously results in specific forms and functions. The very organization of my knowledge-specific extended consciousness is also its entire function. It is very blissful not because I am watching it but because the layers of my awareness are the whole show. The joy, the understanding, the sounds and sights are individually and together the whole content of my Self-awareness.

I experience an almost unbounded, very quiet cosmic radiance in the clear shape of an ever present universal physiology that is the extended total value, structure, and purpose of my—everyone’s—very existence. The resonance, continuity and details of this experience encompasses pure-knowingness, my body, senses, humanity, the Earth, the Sun, all the constellations and the whole universe in a sandwiched, transparent pulse of almost silent totality.

With the totality of my physiology and my senses—I see and know the processes of how the silent Absolute can be the active Absolute—all one construct of constant experience. Like one deliciously layered, nutritious sandwich all assembled, ever ready to be enjoyed. The divine heavens, the Creator—the grand embodiment of all knowledge—the gods and goddesses, are spontaneously experienced and contained within the structures, functions and relationships of my heart, mind, and body.

I forgot how to forget

I see a universal personification within the organizational structures of the laws of nature, who eternally generates all universal, heavenly and earthly events. This experience far, far, exceeds the wonder of the specific detailed layers and activity in the same way that Self—consciousness both exceeds—and yet is—all the functions of the body. Deep understanding, as pure knowledge, is constantly in Self-reference to the experience and perception of universal creation and its Deva-occupied heavens. In this I am both silently watching and blissfully participating.

I hear a knowledge-filled hum and see exquisite pulsing loops of consciousness as streams and points of vibrating Self-knowledge. I am the ocean that does not diminish in the churning-wave-motions of my consciousness. I experience that every expression of wakefulness is the whole experience, even within its apparent limitations. I simply and automatically remember to be Self-aware. This perpetual, deep understanding is the actual Selfreferral connection where nothing needs to actually happen to have happened.

I see and I am centered in awake silence. Looking from here I am the sight and structure of the celestial heavens and their principle occupants. I watch their cosmic activity as the laws of nature spinning as components of my physiology’s source-connectedness. Every simultaneous layer of clarity illumines a subsequent and emerging layer—a comprehensive simplicity—a wonderful transparency of shining unified consciousness.

Consciousness finds its greatest expansion and happiness in the physical world of daily life, when all the subtle layers of experience are also included.   The range of Self-awareness includes everything we know, feel, think, everything we experience with the senses and the physical body. Normally we think of consciousness as pertaining to the mind or heart only. My experience is that if the mind can think it or the heart can feel—however celestial or cosmic, however small or large, be it good or not so good, it is the play of my whole consciousness in its many roles.

Whether they are wonderful experiences or hard-to-handle experiences, their sole purpose is to facilitate the quiet depths of our mind to get habituated to remain steady and immoveable. Meditation is the simplest way to culture the mind to maintain Self-awareness. Even normal activity accomplishes the same thing, but for most people very, very slowly.

The relationship of my body and senses to my material surroundings feels about the same as the relationship of my heart and mind to the knowledge and divine levels of my consciousness. They are all perceived to be one great interconnected flow of Self-consciousness. This is what I mean when I say that the divine feels earthly and the earthly feels divine.