The Stars As The Shimmer Of Universal-To-Individual Consciousness

Meditating with consciousness luminously unbounded, with silence a vastness, I open my eyes and look outside: the profound stillness flows blissfully as the objects of my experience and the distance from inside to outside experience dissolves. The pure-knowledge vision inside somehow squeezes into the smallest sight without losing any Absoluteness.

The inner experience of my body is composed of uncountable points of brilliant golden light that are the percolating, material field of my awareness. Clearly these points of light are describing the outline and inner workings of my physiology. The knowledge structure of my body has come more and more into focus and luminous detail, until I experience my whole physical structure as tangible waves of the connectedness of whirling points of the purest light of consciousness. Consciousness has a wonderful organized thickness and a bliss pulse of unifying Soma. I experience reverberating Self-awareness objectified concretely as specific knowledge patterns and functions of my body with my immediate, surroundings in unified play.

Then I have the thought that since even my physical experience is known and perceived as divine consciousness, surely it is not just localized. Immediately I experience these waves and churning concentrations of knowledge-bubbles within, and also silently entering my body, from every conceivable direction. I see myself as a very orderly, specific organization or fluid knowledge grid of the fullness of the dynamics of the Self-awake space around me. This experience expands to regions further and further around me and continues to be no different than the impulses of nature within my inner awareness and body. Suddenly, I hear the universe as my physical-to-universal body loudly roaring as a cosmic switchboard of humming silence. I see the same points of light and sheaths of brilliance moving synchronously within my body as the movements and placements of the galaxies and stars in universal space. The great, immeasurable space between the stars and me is no space at all and is a universal, Self-perpetuating, personal exchange of pure intelligence—one sparking, joyous connected totality. It is a magnificent fullness of heaven-spanning divine personifications of natural laws that express in my life, everyone’s life as the fundamental knowledge structures of the Ved. It is this activity that is the all-pervading content of unified awareness.

I am the totality of the Knower as silent consciousness, the totality of the Devata with their cosmic responsibilities and finally the totality of physical creation—all just one unbounded, Self-contained personal, concrete awareness. I see the orbits, positions and the on-going communications between the stars—between each other and the planets—mimicked in the specific and collected layers and functions of my consciousness and body. I experience the whole, universe and its activities as the content of a universally expanded and concentrated, personal Self-awareness. I am, we all are, the Self-effulgent, eternal kindling that is a golden confluence of infinite God-and-Goddess-born-light where every ray carries the total informational packets of cosmic existence to all of earthly and individual life.

A single vision-blaze of universal sight renders this infinitely complex whole into one utter simplicity of Self-knowingness where I see Maharishi’s knowledge influence in the awakened awareness of many, many individuals, enveloping and luminating the whole of earthly existence.

Thank you, Maharishi. Thank you, Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev

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