Luminous Self-awareness

I keep designing new versions of marble inlays for ever more elaborate homes.


Very obviously, in and around me, I hear an absolutely still-to-vast roaring sound. This cosmic resonance hums so silently as the quietest reverberation of my awareness that it can permeate all of creation; it roars so loudly on a universal level that it is able to encompass all of creation; but really it is one continuous foundational expression of the laws and personifications of nature. I see this roaring silence communicating and expressing as a wonderful luminous extravaganza of harmony manifesting as material creation. It is impossible to describe this vast, humming, cosmic Self-twinkle that orchestrates a wonderfully simple, yet infinite, complexity that is nothing but my—everyone’s—awake-awareness.  I see this universal cosmic shimmering grid like the ever-still frame-work of a house that holds in place all the specific details and comforts of the home. The precise trajectories of the stars and planets transit this personal-to-universal grid that is my consciousness vibrating as the all-encompassing framework of creation’s organization.

Add to this a universal symphony—a heavenly layer of purposeful Devata activity—that ladles absoluteness into daily life. I see heaven’s up-lifting function and divine activity all around me, where the laws of nature are combined and animated to create the layers of my cosmic and individual physiology. I experience the whole universe as the material home of absolute consciousness, the divine heavens as the celestial home of the Absolute awareness, and the knowledge structure of pure-awareness as the wholeness home of Absolute awareness.

I am well aware that no experience, however expanded or wonderfully divine, can decrease or eliminate the unified connectedness of the experiencer but rather serves only to increase the unity, bliss and knowledge. As any experience or layer of clarity unfolds it is adding another burst of light that illumines an even more exquisitely detailed reality to the oneness of the experiencer. This never-lost quality of the ‘knower’ is so dominant that my individual-to-cosmic home is where everything is discovered to be. I see the Ved, the gods, God and Goddess dwelling in the same infinite space of eternal wholeness where I dwell.

Even though these experiences appear to be ‘out there somewhere’ they really are profoundly simple and natural. They are just normal aspects of my awareness. There very everydayness, their easy, uncomplicated presence might even be why they are not always fully recognized or acknowledged.