The Simplicity of Awareness

Each state of new awareness that has unfolded in my life, even though revealing more and complexity of awareness, was also simpler and simpler. This quality of simplicity emerged from the increasing prevalence and clarity of the simplest state of Self-awareness. As consciousness expanded, more of the layers and components of my experience started to have a distinct sound and sight of connectedness. At first, I just experienced a liveliness or silent sparkle that was abstract throughout experience. Any larger picture of Self-awareness that evolved was always spontaneously more comprehensible and coherent than any previous consciousness that was not known to be as connected or unified.

One day my daily experience further blossomed into immoveable, shimmering, awake knowingness on one side and regular life on the other side, with the wonderful play of divine sights as if superimposed on both. Of course, I paid far more attention to the supremely joyous happenings of heavenly activity that now percolated as my awareness rather than to the more abstract Self-wakefulness. The whole experience was on the level of my senses. In the same natural way that regular life was composed of all aspects of my mental, emotional and physical existence, my divine experiences and perceptions were also simultaneously appreciated as part of my regular daily experience.

It then seemed impossible to want anything more than my present exquisite awakening. Over the next few years however, I slowly began to have flashes of universal knowledge and understanding about these divine perceptions and how they are in fact already unified into a more expanded reality of experience. But still, I was in no hurry to move on.

The steady march of time presented more and more flashes of pure understanding that stayed around longer and longer until one day I realized that a very quiet, but rock-solid, shimmering knowledge-state of awareness had somehow become dominant in my experience. How then was this any different from my previous experience? For one thing I was no longer in the over-powering grip of divine perceptions even though they were still clearly evident and greatly enjoyed. My experience now was of a simple unified understanding. It was an experience of the substance and movement of the underlying composition and unity of all divine and physical matter. I was constantly aware that my surrounding space and everything in it was intimately connected to me. When I was engaged in any mental or physical activity I felt that I was delicately swimming in one grand consciousness that was like a blissful, soothing liquid ocean of divine “everythingness.”

My outside and inside experience blossomed into open contact and in time, became completely connected. I was just as familiar with my physical, and even my cosmic environment, as I was with my daily life. The distinction between inner and outer had become porous. Understanding became so rich and expanded that even feelings and the senses were incorporated into its very structure, and somehow my entire body had become deeply involved in the whole phenomenon of being cosmic.

When unified vision as if moved to the foreground of awareness my on-going celestial and daily experiences naturally settled into their respective locations in the connected layers of the oneness of my consciousness. The celestial values of my experience did not diminish in detail or clarity. In fact, when unified understanding became an integral part of inner-to-outer sight, the whole experience gained a joy of knowledge that was far more pronounced.

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